Gyanoday Niketan where the Quest for Knowledge Begins.
"Discover world of learning, growth, and exploration at our school."
Investiture Ceremony 2024
"Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge."- Simon Sinek
Farewell 2024
"Leadership Transition Event 2024"
"Embarkation into Leadership & Heartfelt Farewell 2024"
"Tealeaf Mansik Swastha"
"Teacher Training on Adolescent Mental Health 2024"
"Teacher Students Volleyball."
A Teacher-Students Volleyball match is a lively event that fosters camaraderie and sportsmanship.
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  • Book Distribution
  • 2/19/2024-0:0
  • 2/19/2024-0:0
  • http://gyanodayniketan.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/books-1.jpg
  • Junior School
  • 0
  • School Reopens
  • 2/22/2024-0:0
  • 2/22/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Oath Taking Ceremony
  • 3/1/2024-0:0
  • 3/1/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Junior School Reopens
  • 3/7/2024-0:0
  • 3/7/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Class Nursery Begins
  • 3/12/2024-0:0
  • 3/12/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Holi
  • 3/25/2024-0:0
  • 3/25/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Good Friday
  • 3/29/2024-0:0
  • 3/29/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Id-Ul- Fitr
  • 4/11/2024-0:0
  • 4/11/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Nepali New Year
  • 4/13/2024-0:0
  • 4/13/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Bengali New Year
  • 4/14/2024-0:0
  • 4/14/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • AHLIS Boys Volleyball (Under 17 HBS/ Under 19 St. Anthony’s ( Kurseong)
  • 4/20/2024-0:0
  • 4/20/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • AHLIS Girls Volleyball (Under 17 OLS / Under 19 LES) (Mirik)
  • 4/27/2024-0:0
  • 4/27/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • May Day AHLIS Boys T.T. SGP ( Kalimpong) Support Staff Picnic
  • 5/1/2024-0:0
  • 5/1/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • May Day AHLIS Boys T.T. SGP ( Kalimpong) Support Staff Picnic
  • 5/1/2024-0:0
  • 5/1/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Debate – AG ( Darjeeling)
  • 5/4/2024-0:0
  • 5/4/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • AHLIS Girls Badminton Under- 14, 17 and 19 – WPS (Darjeeling)
  • 5/11/2024-0:0
  • 5/11/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Buddha Jayanti
  • 5/23/2024-0:0
  • 5/23/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Seating Arrangements – Mid Term
  • 6/22/2024-0:0
  • 6/22/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Mid Term Examination Begins (Senior and Junior)
  • 6/24/2024-0:0
  • 6/24/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Mid Term Examination Ends
  • 7/4/2024-0:0
  • 7/4/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Mid Term Breaks begins
  • 7/5/2024-0:0
  • 7/5/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Bhanu Jayanti
  • 7/13/2024-0:0
  • 7/13/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • School Reopens after Mid Term
  • 7/15/2024-0:0
  • 7/15/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Muharram (sectional Holiday)
  • 7/17/2024-0:0
  • 7/17/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • AHLIS Elocution (RVA & SGP) / AHLIS Creative Writing (Kalimpong)
  • 7/19/2024-0:0
  • 7/19/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Shaaid Diwas
  • 7/27/2024-0:0
  • 7/27/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • AHLIS Quiz – Kalimpong
  • 8/3/2024-0:0
  • 8/3/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Independence Day
  • 8/15/2024-0:0
  • 8/15/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • AHLIS Under 19 Football - Kalimpong
  • 8/17/2024-0:0
  • 8/17/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • AHLIS Girls T.T. Under – 14, 17 and 19 -RVA (Kalimpong)
  • 8/24/2024-0:0
  • 8/24/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • AHLIS Boys Badminton Under 14, 17 and 19 –GN (Darjeeling)
  • 8/31/2024-0:0
  • 8/31/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Teachers Day
  • 9/5/2024-0:0
  • 9/5/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • AHLIS Spell Bee – GLS ( Mirik )
  • 9/7/2024-0:0
  • 9/7/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • AHLIS Under 17 Football -St. Augustine’s ( Kurseong)
  • 9/21/2024-0:0
  • 9/21/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Gandhi Jayanti
  • 10/2/2024-0:0
  • 10/2/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • School Foundation Day
  • 10/3/2024-0:0
  • 10/3/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Puja Vacation Begins
  • 10/9/2024-0:0
  • 10/9/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Ful Pathi
  • 10/10/2024-0:0
  • 10/10/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Tika
  • 10/12/2024-0:0
  • 10/12/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • School Opens after Puja Vacation
  • 10/21/2024-0:0
  • 10/21/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Diwali Holidays Begin
  • 10/29/2024-0:0
  • 10/29/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Laxmi Puja
  • 10/31/2024-0:0
  • 10/31/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • School Reopens after Diwali Holidays
  • 11/5/2024-0:0
  • 11/5/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Children’s Day
  • 11/14/2024-0:0
  • 11/14/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • Final Terms Examination Begins
  • 11/18/2024-0:0
  • 11/18/2024-0:0
  • 0
  • #11/30/2024 --- Prize Distribution (Winter Holidays Begin)
  • 11/30/2024-0:0
  • 11/30/2024-0:0
  • 0

Dear Esteemed Parents,

I am thrilled to extend to you the warmest of greetings on behalf of the entire Gyanoday Niketan family.
It was in September of 1988 that my wife and I embarked on a remarkable journey with a singular vision at its heart—to establish an institution in the hills that would be synonymous with excellence in education. As we stand on the cusp of celebrating 36 years of Gyanoday Niketan’s existence, my heart swells with pride for the incredible journey we have embarked upon together. This journey, marked by countless successes and milestones, would not have been possible without the unwavering dedication of our esteemed faculty. Their commitment to nurturing the potential in each child is truly commendable and deserves our highest praise.
I must also extend my deepest gratitude to you, the parents, for your relentless support and cooperation. Your active involvement in your children’s educational journey is not just commendable but essential to their success. It is a testament to the strong community we have built together, one that values and fosters educational excellence.
Looking ahead, I am filled with optimism and fervent prayers for Gyanoday Niketan’s continued growth and prosperity. I am confident that our institution will reach new pinnacles of success and that our alumni will carry forward the legacy of excellence, shining brightly in their respective fields.
With heartfelt thanks and best wishes for our continued partnership,  
Mr. Dhiresh Thapa Director
Gyanoday Niketan  

Gyanoday Niketan stands as a beacon of holistic education, where the philosophy transcends the conventional boundaries of learning. At its core, the institution believes in fostering an environment brimming with exciting challenges, enabling each child to uncover and reach their utmost potential. This unique approach to education is not confined merely to academic excellence but extends to nurturing talents in sports and cultural domains. By providing a rich tapestry of opportunities, Gyanoday Niketan ensures that every student has the chance to explore and excel in their areas of interest, equipping them with the necessary skills to thrive in the future.

The ethos of Gyanoday Niketan is deeply rooted in the conviction that education should be a transformative journey, one that molds students not just to be future-ready but to emerge as harbingers of positive change. The comprehensive educational framework is designed to imbue students with a broad spectrum of knowledge, critical thinking abilities, and a profound sense of ethical responsibility. It aims to cultivate individuals who are not only academically proficient but are also empathetic and socially conscious, capable of carrying the torch of hope for a better and brighter world.

As students step out of the nurturing walls of Gyanoday Niketan, they carry with them more than just academic accolades; they carry a vision for a newer, better world. The institution prides itself on creating a legacy of well-rounded individuals who are prepared to face the challenges of the future with confidence and grace. Gyanoday Niketan is not just an educational institution; it is a crucible for developing the leaders of tomorrow, who are destined to make a significant impact on society and the world at large.

Mr. Dipika Thapa
Gyanoday Niketan  

Why Choose Us? A choice that makes the difference.

Highly Experienced

Experienced teachers are essential assets, with decades of knowledge in teaching methods, curriculum development, and student engagement. Their expertise creates inclusive, dynamic learning environments that benefit all learners.

Strong Extracurricular Programs

Schools with robust extracurricular offerings, such as sports, arts, clubs, and community service opportunities, can enrich a student's overall educational experience and personal development.

Safe and Supportive Environment:

A school that prioritizes safety and provides a supportive atmosphere can enhance a student's well-being and overall learning experience.

36 years of experience with the vision to impart quality education in the hills

Certified Teacher
Successful Students
Happy Parents
Award Won